Datacom LG Team Assessment
Hi there!
Ahead of our session this coming Wednesday, please select an a response from the rating scale for each state that best reflects your opinion about the statement. I find it’s best to not over-think these things. Go with your initial gut-feeling.
Important note: For each statement, think about the team as a whole, not yourself. This assessment aims to gather individual team member views about the Datacom LG team itself (i.e. only those people attending the Rotorua off-site this week as a collective).
It’s also really important to me that you know and understand I will not be sharing your individual responses with anyone else. All I will do is provide a brief summary of collated responses across the team on Wednesday, including any comments made at the end of this brief survey.
Righto, let’s kick into it …….
+64 (0)21 880 162
PO Box 12021, Maori Hill, Dunedin 9010, New Zealand