The Anti-Fragile HR Leader:
Thriving through chaos


 Right now frazzled executives need a calm, trusted & compassionate
HR Leadership colleague.

As an HR Leader, NOW is your time stand up, step in & stand out as the steady hand and voice of reason around the leadership table.

The world of work changed rapidly in early 2020 and HR led a lot of the initial response. It wasn’t always pretty or ideal, but it worked. Now that the dust is settling organisations are looking to rebound, which will require different thinking and new leadership from HR - leadership that grows the more it is challenged.

Make no mistake - the response to COVID-19 is not one of process, but of people.

This exclusive mentoring program is specifically designed to build HR leadership effectiveness in your own context; not add to workloads. The actions and commitments individuals make within the sessions target the building of more effective habits as to how to lead an HR team out of chaos & challenge, and influence your Leadership team colleagues.


Leading through Chaos: The Anti-Fragile HR Leader

Using the HR Catalyst model as a foundation and extending it into the current context of craziness, this mentoring program is for HR Leaders looking for an edge in the two key teams they lead & serve.

You’ll gain clarity of action on the specific situation you’re in as we dissect the complexity, chaos, challenges, changes & culture priorities you’re grappling with.

What you get:

  • A half-day personal leadership strategy session

  • Personalised report from the HR Catalyst diagnostic assessment

  • 90min 1-on-1 sessions with Callum at a frequency that suits your work schedule and cadence

  • Tailored action plans and a learning journal

  • A coach and mentor to challenge and enhance your specific HR leadership practice across the organisation

  • On-call access to Callum

What you’ll learn:

  • A greater connection with what, how and why you ‘do what you do’

  • Deeper insights into your senior colleagues

  • Ways to deal with overwhelm by building strategies for letting-go of what is neither urgent nor important, and gaining traction with the stuff that is important (& crucially how to tell the difference when deep in busyness)

  • An increased ability to influence those who matter (and those who don’t so much) in your organisation, and their professions

  • A greater sense of leading with authenticity by bringing their true selves to the leadership table.

Your Team will get:

  • A leader reinvigorated in their practice of leading HR

  • A revitalised and engaged colleague adding consistently high value

The beauty of this option is there is no lag-time, no need to wait for the right opportunity – the time is now.